segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2009

Revista de design londrina lança viral de fim de ano

Contagious Magazine, a revista inglesa de design, tecnologia, marketing etc, lançou um viral com "os mais contagiosos de 2008". Mais de 40 páginas com o que mais pegou no ano que termina. Leia a newsletter:

Hello everyone,

The festive season is upon us! And despite some rumour-mongering to the effect that it might be more rewarding to give than receive, the Contagious team are well aware that the opposite is true.

Therefore, in lieu of a Christmas card, we’ve been hard at work putting together our annual round-up of the most exciting, the most tremendous, the most mind-blowing events and inventions of the year. The landmarks for which 2008 will be remembered. The most ingenious applications. The entertainment heavyweights. The giant leaps in technology. The viral phenomena. The places and faces setting your world alight.

To all of our friends everywhere in the world, welcome to Most Contagious 2008. It’s everything you need to know, and then some.

In the spirit of the ‘branded utility’ trend of which we’re so enamoured, we’ve made this report interactive, informative, entertaining, and completely bloody free. Send it round your agencies. Forward it to your friends and family. Link to it on your blogs, Twitter the sh*t out of it, and slap it on Facebook for all the world to see.

Most Contagious 2008. From us to you, because we care.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Contagious / London

This message issued by Contagious Communications Ltd, part of Xtreme Information Group Ltd. Registered in England. No. 6183178 Registered Office: 45 Foubert's Place, London, W1F 7QH

Um comentário:

RodGanem disse...

Bom demais!! Bom demais!